Separation – before, during and after

We understand that you will have many questions and concerns before, during and after separation regarding financial matters, children and other issues. There are decisions to be made. We can provide you with guidance for your choices, and with information in relation to other organisations and counseling services that can help.

Stenta Legal can help you by assisting you to work out your priorities, and providing timely advice on your options after separation, assistance in understanding your financial position, and referral to appropriate support services. The right guidance in relation to family law choices will be important to your and your family’s well-being during and after the transition phase.

Our focus is on your needs and the most appropriate means of resolving your family law issue, whether through a conference with your ex-partner, mediation, negotiations or litigation. We assist you in taking into account ways of maintaining the most constructive dynamic possible, with ongoing co-parenting in mind.

We can provide additional support by explaining court processes and orders and terms of binding agreements in simple terms, assisting with property settlement and with referrals to child psychologists, counselors or financial planners.

Contact Gina Faba on +61 9820 5122 for more information.